Package org.erowid.sperowider.htmlshredding

Provides HTML shredding (taking an HTML file and breaking it into individual elements) and URL mongling (throwing events when URLs are found, and providing an opportunity to replace them) functionality.


Interface Summary
HTMLElement Represents a generic element (comment, tag, etc) in an HTML document.

Class Summary
AMongler A generic framework for mongling.
CSSURLMongler This class, when mongle() is called, will call the urlFound() method for each URL that's found, and will replace that url with whatever that method returns.
HTMLComment Represents a comment in an HTML document
HTMLDocType Represents a first, and fairly crude, whack at the doctype tag.
HTMLKeywordTag Represents an HTML meta tag that provides keywords for the document.
HTMLMetaTag Represents a MetaTag in an HTML doc.
HTMLShmongler Takes an InputStreamReader and and fires off a series of events (the foundHTMLxxxx() methods) in the order of HTMLElements found.
HTMLShredder Takes an InputStreamReader and turns the data so streamed into an ordered collection of HTML elements.
HTMLTag Represents a generic HTML Tag, which consists of a name, lead and following characters (for closing tags, or for self closing tags), and a collection of attributes, some of which have values.
HTMLTagAttribute Represents a given attribute inside of an HTML tag.
HTMLText Represents a big ol' block of text in an HTML document.
MongledURLType Represents the type of URL mongled
PatternMatchingMongler Uses pattern matching to perform mongling.
RawHtmlData Convenience class to allow easy parsing of found data.
ScriptTag Represents an embedded script inside an HTML document.
Tools Utilties for Shredding
URLMongler This abstract class provides "URL Mongling" functionality for any of several kind of data sources, including URLs, files, input streams, among others.

Package org.erowid.sperowider.htmlshredding Description

Provides HTML shredding (taking an HTML file and breaking it into individual elements) and URL mongling (throwing events when URLs are found, and providing an opportunity to replace them) functionality.

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