Interface ISperowiderModelReporter

All Known Implementing Classes:
HtmlGeneratingSperowiderModelReporter, LoggingSperowiderModelReporter

public interface ISperowiderModelReporter

The reporting interface for ISperowiderModel. This allows for pluggable logging, reporting and tracking.

: $Header: /cvsroot/sperowider/SPEROWIDER_MODULE/javasource/org/erowid/sperowider/modelreporting/,v 1.2 2005/01/15 23:26:04 gurustu Exp $
: $Author: gurustu $

Method Summary
 void reportInvalidUrlFound(String url, int httpCode, String httpMessage)
          Called when an invalid URL is found
 void reportMapUrlToFilename(String url, String filanem)
          Called when a URL has been mapped to a local filename.
 void reportMapUrlToRealUrl(String url, String realUrl)
          Called when a URL has been mapped to its final, real form.
 void reportUrlFound(String sourceUrl, String foundUrl, String queueMessage)
          Called when one URL has been found in the page found at another URL, and logs a message indicating how/if it was queued.
 void reportUrlPoppedFromQueue(String url)
          Called when a URL has been popped from the queue.
 void start()
          Called to start the reporter.
 void stop()
          Called to stop the reporter.

Method Detail


public void start()
Called to start the reporter.


public void stop()
Called to stop the reporter.


public void reportUrlFound(String sourceUrl,
                           String foundUrl,
                           String queueMessage)
Called when one URL has been found in the page found at another URL, and logs a message indicating how/if it was queued.


public void reportUrlPoppedFromQueue(String url)
Called when a URL has been popped from the queue.


public void reportMapUrlToRealUrl(String url,
                                  String realUrl)
Called when a URL has been mapped to its final, real form.


public void reportMapUrlToFilename(String url,
                                   String filanem)
Called when a URL has been mapped to a local filename.


public void reportInvalidUrlFound(String url,
                                  int httpCode,
                                  String httpMessage)
Called when an invalid URL is found

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