Package org.erowid.sperowider.simple

A simple, lightweight spider that uses Sperowider core technology to walk a website and create a search index.


Interface Summary
ISimpleSpiderFilter A convenience interface to combine all filters required for SimpleSpider.
ISimpleSpiderModel The interface for the model that the SimpleSpider uses.

Class Summary
SimplePageSpider Takes an HTML location, indexes it, grabs the list of URLs.
SimpleSpider Spiders a site, based on a given SimpleSpiderModel.
SimpleSpiderModel Interface to our data storage.

Package org.erowid.sperowider.simple Description

A simple, lightweight spider that uses Sperowider core technology to walk a website and create a search index. Used by Masterdoc.

Current, no CLI or GUI exists for this app. It is typically invoked programmatically, though that will change soon.

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