Interface ISpiderFilter

All Known Subinterfaces:
ISimpleSpiderFilter, ISperowiderFilter
All Known Implementing Classes:
BlocksAllFilter, MasterDocFilter, NoHopRegexSperowiderFilter, NoHopSimpleSperowiderFilter, OneHopRegexSperowiderFilter, OneHopSimpleSperowiderFilter

public interface ISpiderFilter

A filtering for spidering urls found in webpages.

: $Header: /cvsroot/sperowider/SPEROWIDER_MODULE/javasource/org/erowid/sperowider/urlfilter/,v 1.2 2005/01/16 06:47:26 gurustu Exp $
: $Author: gurustu $

Method Summary
 boolean spiderMatch(String sourceUrl, String foundUrl)
          Given a source URL and a URL found on the page at that URL, returns true if the URL found URL should be added to the list of URLs to download and spider.

Method Detail


public boolean spiderMatch(String sourceUrl,
                           String foundUrl)
Given a source URL and a URL found on the page at that URL, returns true if the URL found URL should be added to the list of URLs to download and spider.

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